Miracles- What is a miracle? Definition an event that is contrary to the established laws of nature and attributed to a supernatural cause or any amazing or wonderful event.
This past week I have experienced a few miracles. Many of you know that we are in the process of adopting a little boy from Haiti. We have been fund raising due to Steve's past two trips going to Haiti.We had a casino night and raised funds by auctioning of an airline ticket voucher.Over the coarse of two weeks we raised 2,000.00 for tickets. We then went to purchase the airline tickets and the price had gone up by 600.00. Our good friend Mike got on the line and worked some magic with Delta Airlines and some airline miles. We then had enough to purchase the tickets.
Five days before we go to leave we get an email from Pastor in Haiti letting us know that our costs for everything in Haiti is 1000.00. Well needless to say the only thing left to sell was our second car. Thanks to the great gift of Craigslist we posted the car. We sold it in one hour after posting it for $800.00. We also received some other donations.The whole ride has been great and exciting.
I definitely feel like this has been a test of faith for us. I wouldn't ask for a better lesson than the ones I have learned this past month.
I'm grateful to pastor Whitney and coordinating things there in Haiti. Three short days until we take off in the plane. Pinch me is this real. Yep it's real alright!
Miracles are real very real.
Speaking of miracles: There is an angel in my life right now. She lives with us. Laura has been a God send. She has helped us fund raise put a party together, cooked dinner,watched kids, donating her time and money to the cause of bringing Jeremiah home. I couldn't of done this without her.She is a part of our family and we are truly blessed to have her in our lives. Thank you is not enough!