Saturday, May 22, 2010


Chocolate: What kind do you like? Milk,Dark,Crunchy,Chunky,or Smooth?
I love it all. I really enjoy all kinds of chocolate but my favorite is dark chocolate.
I remember one night waking up to a horrifying call Steve, Sherri, I need some help!
At the time Steve's mom and grandma lived with us.
Grandma was getting frail in her age and had fallen a few times before.We quickly raced up the stairs to find grandma past out in her bed. We couldn't wake her and she had this stuff all over her. It looked like dried blood. Mom thought maybe the dog had gotten her.Steve and I looked a little closer and it was chocolate. She had been eating it and fallen asleep with it in her hand .The alarm for Steve's mom was awful thinking it was dried blood.If it was dried blood it looked like a horror film. Steve and I just laugh at the thought of grandma falling asleep with the chocolate in her hand and having all over everything. We took care of getting her all cleaned up and to the hospital because her oxygen was out of whack.The sight was funny and we still laugh today. Thank you Grandma May for continued laughter.